Saturday, January 19, 2008

i have nothing to write about!!

Hey i have absolutly nothing to write about. I just saw that i havent posted something in a while!! So ya!! I am going up to victorville this weekend! i am staying there untill sunday! then when i get back i have to go to a Mexico trip meeting! Then i would be going to the wildside bowl ( a football ternament with all of the jr. high small groups) but i got in trouble and cant go!:( so i will be playing rockband! on monday i hope to be going to see cloverfield with some of my friends but i dont know! so ya! if you guys havent herd of cloverfield, you guys really need to look it up! i have no idea what it is about but its by JJ Abrums and i think he is awesome!! No one knows what it is about! so ya! i say so ya a lot! well i have to pack for my cousins house!! TTFN!

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