Saturday, December 8, 2007

Worlds A.I.D.S day!!!

December 1st was worlds aids day! At saddleback church they had the first aids confrence for junior highers, highschoolers, and college students! So i went. this made me really aware what aids and hiv was. I learned that aids/hiv is not only in Africa but it is all over the world! IT'S HERE!!! I also learned some statiscist but the one that stood out to me the most was every 8 seconds someone dies from aids/hiv!! I learned what is is and what it does to your body!

so thats what i am going to blog about today even though it happened a week ago!!! Hehe!!:] so yeah! Bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

enough byes???? but um, i LOVED the conference, except for that one guy... but anyway, ya, i like the walk into Africa thing!!!! It was awesome!! and i love brianna's explanation, but did she say the other part that you didn't want to put in your blog to her little brother???
-the cloudshape queen