Monday, December 10, 2007


The title will probably only sound interesing if you are Taffy!! lol!! This is acctually really cool website. It is and what you do is you build up your vocabulary and feed the hungry all at the same time!! How this works you may ask? I dont know all i know is THAT it works! My friend Nikki and I have a goal by new years to feed 100 people!! Every question you get right you get 20 grains of rice! To feed ONE person it takes 6,000!!! so we have a big goal to reach!! If you want to help just put a comment in and then come back the next day and i will give you a goal of how much rice you need to earn a day so that it can be eaiser to reach 100 people by the end of the year!! Thank you sooooooo much if you participate! BYE bye!!!


Anonymous said...

no, i want this goal to be just you and me so that way WE can see if we can commit to this!! if someone posts a comment, just give them a goal!!
-the cloudshape queen

Kristi said...

hey i shall do it okay!!!! sounds cool.

♫♥Amy♥♫ said...

yeah i tryed it i think its so kool i gave like 600 grains:) my mom helped me