Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful christmas! i know i did! but it wasnt really christmas this year:(. my dad never put up christmas lights, we didnt go look at the christmas lights, i bought my presents for my family christmas eve, i had only 3 presents to open, ITS SANA ANA WINDS OUTSIDE, and i got to play with my present today, unlike past presents where it takes years, jk like hours, to set up!!! lol! it was still fun! plus my friend danielle, you are the best, her mom bought us both wicked tickets!! THANKYOU!! So all the presents that i got in order are... Disneyland pass, i got it like a week ago, really soft pjs, a higschool musical tune toothbrush, as a joke, a devotional bible book, $25 itunes gift cards, and rock band! Rock band is guitar hero but it also has drums and a mic. oh and i also got to go see a circu de solet , i think thats how you spell it, preformance!! so thats it for now! i still get more presents from my cousins the first day of next year! It sounds so far away!!


♫♥Amy♥♫ said...

hey merry christmas i got a ipod nano ,digital camer, a cellphone,and an ipod docking system with a whole lot of money

Kristi said...

when are you going to wicked???? You might be going the same day Iam!

Anonymous said...

i am going on the 29th not the
27th :( i know tear!! but at least i get to go!!!