Monday, November 19, 2007


Hey I am putting this out here becuse I know everyone that checks this blog is my friend and christian. So I really need eveyone to pray for me. I really want to go on a Mexico mission trip in January with my church but I don't know if God wants me to. If you could all pray for me that I will hear God and make the right decision that would be over the top!!! :) Thank you so much for everything and if you would like, put a comment just saying that your praying for me!!!! LOTS OF LOVE GOES OUT EVERY POST!!!!:)


The Ramblin' Rat said...

You are always in my prayers so I will add Mexico to my list.

See you tomorrow!

Love, your favorite cousin (:

Lisa said...


♫♥Amy♥♫ said...

love u maggie ill be prayind 4 u hope u get 2 go